A tinydns administration tool for managing authoritative DNS records.


VegaDNS 2, the successor to VegaDNS, is now available. It is broken into three main componenents:


  • Group based permissions - There are two types of accounts, senior_admin and user. Accounts of type User be added to groups, can own domains, and privileges (read/edit/delete) can now be granted to domains mapped to groups. This provides a flexible architecture for distributing permissions to users.
  • Location support - Tinydns location support is now available (aka "Split Horizon").
  • Authentication - VegaDNS now supports basic auth, cookies, and OAuth2 (section 4.4) for authentication.
  • Improved Search - Real time search is now the standard, and for records you can search by record name or value.
  • Python and JS Clients - Both VegaDNS-CLI and VegaDNS-UI have API clients that can be used for custom integrations. (python client, javascript client)
  • Docker Support - A Dockerfile is included if you prefer to run it under docker. See the README for details.
  • Swagger Support - The API is documented with swagger. This means you can go to the Swagger UI demo, input your API url's swagger endpoint (for example http://localhost:5000/1.0/swagger), and read API endpoint documentation. You can even authenticate with basic auth and make API calls.


  • Please use github for reporting issues or pull requests.
  • You may also join the discussion on the Google Group.
  • Watch for updates on twitter at @vegadns

Legacy Version (0.13.3 and earlier)

  • The legacy version of VegaDNS can be found on github here and the old website here.
  • Upgrading - VegaDNS 2 should be treated as a new installation (VegaDNS-API + VegaDNS-UI), but you can upgrade your existing database to use with it. See installation in the API docs for notes on upgrading your database. (Back up your data and test first!)